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Engine XIE Timeline | 时间轴

Engine XIE Timeline | 时间轴

2020年5月9日 | May 9, 2020
温哥华,加拿大 | Vancouver, BC, Canada
灵感起源: 谢明(Ming Xie)受到自然中引力与动量的启发,萌生了 Engine XIE 的构想。一次登山时,他意识到自然力量的高效性,想象将这些力量应用于能源与交通领域,开启了零燃料引擎的研发之旅。
The Genesis of an Idea: Ming Xie, inspired by nature's forces of gravity and momentum, envisioned the Engine XIE. During a hike, he realized the efficiency of natural forces and imagined applying these principles to energy and transportation, sparking the development of the zero-fuel engine.
2020年7月31日 | July 31, 2020
温哥华,加拿大 | Vancouver, BC, Canada
设计未来: 谢明开始实验吸引力、重力和动量,以设计出 Engine XIE 的第一版蓝图。他的目标是创造一种高效、可持续的机器,彻底改变能源消耗方式。
Designing the Future: Ming Xie began experimenting with attractional power, gravity, and momentum to design the first blueprint of Engine XIE. His goal was to create an efficient and sustainable machine that would revolutionize energy consumption.
2020年12月25日 | December 25, 2020
温哥华,加拿大 | Vancouver, BC, Canada
构建梦想: 谢明与10人团队合作,开始组装 Engine XIE 的第一台原型机。他们使用先进材料和精密工程技术,将零燃料引擎的革命性设计付诸实践。
Building the Dream: Ming Xie collaborated with a team of 10 to assemble the first prototype of Engine XIE. Using advanced materials and precision engineering, they brought the revolutionary design of the zero-fuel engine to life.
2024年5月3日 | May 3, 2024
温哥华,加拿大 | Vancouver, BC, Canada
原型成功: Engine XIE 的第一台原型机成功运行。它顺利利用重力和动量运转,标志着可持续能源创新的重要里程碑。
Prototype Success: The first prototype of Engine XIE ran successfully, harnessing gravity and momentum as intended, marking a significant milestone in sustainable energy innovation.
2024年7月22日 | July 22, 2024
温哥华,加拿大 | Vancouver, BC, Canada
开始预售: 尽管原型机经历了微小挑战,但预售计划已全面启动。零燃料引擎迅速吸引全球工业界关注,成为能源可持续发展的新选择。
Preorders Begin: Despite minor challenges with the prototype, the preordering plan was fully launched. The zero-fuel engine quickly gained global industrial attention, becoming a promising choice for sustainable energy development.